1st Seaton Scout Group
Come along for a taster session and start your Scouting journey this week! We’re a modern, active Scout Group that offers local girls and boys the opportunity to have fun, make new friends, challenge themselves, and develop Skills for Life.
We meet weekly during term time, but not always at our Scout Hut – we can often be found out and about enjoying new adventures! We also love heading off for camps and activities on weekends and during school holidays too.
Our age sections are:
• Beavers (ages 6–8). 6pm-7pm on Thursdays.
• Cubs (ages 8–10½). 6pm-7.15pm on Mondays.
• Scouts (ages 10½–14). 7.15pm-9pm on Thursdays.
• Young Leaders (ages 14–18) and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme (DofE) volunteer challenge (ages 14–25).
Find out more and join us at: www.SeatonScouts.uk
The fun isn’t just for the children either! You’re never too old to start Scouting, you don’t need to have a child in the Group, and you don’t need to have been involved before. Just bring your enthusiasm and join our fabulous team. Get involved with our new and flexible approach to volunteering that fits around your existing lifestyle. From small, individual tasks to shared leadership roles, you’re welcome to give as little or as much as you like to help us continue delivering a safe and rewarding programme for our young people.
• Adult volunteers (ages 18+). Trustees to tent-pitchers; administration to fundraising; occasional helpers to weekly leaders. Bring your existing skills or learn new ones with us! Have fun and build your CV at the same time.
Discover your perfect fit within our team at: www.SeatonScouts.uk/volunteer
Contact name: Clive, Group Lead Volunteer
Email Address: 1stSeatonScouts@gmail.com
Website: www.SeatonScouts.uk

Action for Children, Children’s Centre
Moorfield Road, Exmouth EX8 3QW
Phone number: 01395 226789
Email Address: eastdevoncc@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Antenatal Classes
Phone number: 01297 20542

Axe Valley Childrens Centre
Trevelyan Building Fore Street Seaton EX12 2AN
Phone number: 01297 20542
Email Address: axevalleycc@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Axmouth Children’s Theatre

Baby Massage at the Axe Valley & Honiton Children’s Centre
Phone number: 01404 540820
Email Address: honiton@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Beer Breakfast and Teatime Club

Bellini Babes (Swim Club)

Branscombe Breakfast Club
Phone number: 012967 680339

Bumps to Baby Steps Class
Axe Valley Children’s Centre

Child Health Clinic
Colyton Health Centre
Phone number: 01297 552728

Childminders Stay & Play
Axe Valley Children’s Centre
Phone number: 01297 20542
Email Address: EastDevonCC@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Coffee and Tots

Colyton Caterpillars Club
Phone number: 01297 552567 or 07596 214293
Email Address: colytoncaterpillars@btconnect.com

Colyton Caterpillars Holiday Club
Phone number: 01297 552567 or 07596 214293
Email Address: colytoncaterpillars@btconnect.com

Free Range Explorers
Contact name: Jessica Webber
Phone number: 01297 625434 or 07773 397530
Email Address: freerangeexplorers@gmail.com

Greg’s Music Group
A music group for young families
Contact name: Linda Joy
Phone number: 01297 23656
Email Address: lindajoychildrensworker@gmail.com
Website: www.coastalchurch.org.uk

H C Dance – Children’s Creative Dance Classes
Wednesdays 4pm-5pm
Axmouth Village Hall
Age 4-7 years
Fridays 5pm-6pm
Whitford Village Hall
Age 8-11 years
Free trial classes starting in September. It’s a creative dance class where all children are welcome regardless of gender/ability. Children will have the opportunity to take part in performances and to enter for exams.
Contact details:
Facebook: HC Dance

JM Dance Fit Child’s Zumba Club

Lady Birds
Contact name: Linda Long
Phone number: 01297 20358 or 07794 881909
Email Address: ladybirds@btinternet.com

Let’s Talk More
Axe Valley Children’s Centre
Phone number: 01297 20542
Email Address: EastDevonCC@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Library Bounce & Rhyme
Seaton Library
Phone number: 01297 21832

Membury Primary School and Pre-School
We are a small school at the heart of our village community in rural East Devon where we create close, supportive relationships. We know all children and families individually, and have high expectations of behaviour and attainment. Our small class sizes allow us to tailor the learning to meet the needs of each child. We use our forest school environment to take learning outside the classroom and inspire children’s learning. We also link with our partner schools to provide enrichment in arts, sports and music.
Contact name: Miss Katy Lyons, Head Teacher
Phone number: 01404 881491
Email Address: memburyoffice@acornacademy.org
Website: www.membury.acornacademy.org

Seaton Carnival Committee
Seaton Carnival Committee meet up regularly to plan events for Carnival week, which usually takes place during the last week of August. The week ends with the first illuminated procession of the East Devon Carnival circuit. We would be very grateful for any help offered to arrange these events.
For more information, please contact June Millman 01297 599 625
Contact name: June Millman
Phone number: 01297 599625
Email Address: june.m@talktalk.net
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SeatonCarnival/

Seaton Majorettes
Seaton Majorettes meet in Seaton Methodist Church Hall on Tuesdays after school, 3.30pm – 4.15pm for primary school age and then 4.30pm – 5.30pm for senior school age children. New members most welcome, we offer three weeks of free taster sessions. For more information please ring June Millman 01297 599 625
Contact name: June Millman
Phone number: 01297 599625
Email Address: june.m@talktalk.net
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SeatonMajorettes/

Seaton Martial Arts Centre
Contact name: Amrik Singh
Phone number: 07966 444321
Email Address: info@seatonmartialartscentre.com
Website: www.seatonmartialartscentre.com

Seaton Public Library
Seaton Library – Opening hours from 19th July 2021 are:
Monday 9.30am to 12.30pm closed for lunch then open 2pm to 4pm
Tuesday CLOSED all day
Wednesday 9.30am to 12.30pm closed for lunch then open 2pm to 5pm
Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm closed for lunch then open 2pm to 4pm
Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm closed for the afternoon
Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm closed for the afternoon
Contact name: Richard
Phone number: 01297 21832
Email Address: seaton.library@librariesunlimited.org.uk
Website: www.devonlibraries.org.uk

Stay and Play
Axe Valley Children’s Centre

Uplyme Parent & Toddler Group

Uplyme Pre School CIO