JM Auto Services
JM Auto Services

If you’re looking for a reliable car garage in Seaton, Devon, look no further than J M Autoservices, specialists in a wide range of garage services including Tyres, MOT’s, Car Repairs, Welding and Car Servicing.
provide an honest and reliable service at all times, proud to be recognized as a highly reputable car garage in Seaton.
we are ideally based to serve the local Seaton community, undertaking all types of car garage services, from Tyres to MOT’s.
Phone Number: 01297 21114
Address: J M Autoservices unit 9 & unit 10, Fosseway Park,Harepath Road EX12 2WH
About Seaton, Devon
Seaton is the only gateway town to the Jurassic coast where rocks from all three geological periods can be viewed in their natural environment: fossil bearing Jurassic rocks to the east, the vibrant Triassic cliffs just before Seaton harbour and the striking white outcrop of Cretaceous chalk cliffs of Beer.