Cllr. Dan Ledger

Cllr Dan Ledger
Address: 29 Poplar Tree Drive, Seaton. EX12 2TW
Mobile: 07969 467952
Dan Ledger, at 28 years of age, was the youngest of Seaton’s town councillors ever elected and the town’s youngest ever Mayor & Chairman, having previously served as Deputy Chairman/Deputy Mayor of the Council. He joined the Council in 2018 and, since then, has chaired multiple committees. Dan was also reelected as an East Devon District Councillor in the 2023 local elections, having already served one 4-year term. On a day to day basis, Dan works as Town Clerk to Cullompton Town Council and in his spare time he enjoys playing rugby. He is passionate about engaging with the town’s community to regain the vibrancy that Seaton enjoyed as he was growing up.
About Seaton, Devon
Seaton is the only gateway town to the Jurassic coast where rocks from all three geological periods can be viewed in their natural environment: fossil bearing Jurassic rocks to the east, the vibrant Triassic cliffs just before Seaton harbour and the striking white outcrop of Cretaceous chalk cliffs of Beer.