Axe Estuary Ringing Group

Beer Best Years Club
This club provides an opportunity for members from Beer and surrounding communities to meet up regularly and chat over tea and cake. There is also a range of activities to try from table tennis to seated vitality. The hand, arm and neck massages are also very popular with all who attend.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Mariners Hall, Fore Street, Beer, EX12 3JB
Contact name: Trish Warren
Phone number: 0333 241 2340
Email Address:

Bell Ringers

Bridge Collective CIC
Phone number: 01392 433358
Email Address:

Coffee & Chat Group

Colyford & District Camera Club

Colyford Country Dance
Phone number: 07985 234149
Email Address:

Drop in Coffee Morning
The drop in coffee morning provides an opportunity to meet new people and form new friendships.
Every Wednesday at 10.00 am until 12.00 pm
Number One, 1 Harepath Road, Seaton, EX12 3JQ
Contact name: Trish Warren
Phone number: 0333 241 2340
Email Address:

Home Instead Home Care Services
Providers of tailormade home care services for the elderly
Home Instead Exeter & East Devon
Office: Units 1-3 Yeo Business Park
Axehayes Farm
Clyst St Mary
Tel: 01392 344444
Phone number: 01392 344444
Email Address:

Knit and Natter
All levels of knitter are welcome to come and join us to knit and natter. You are welcome to bring your own project or gain inspiration from one of our patterns.
Every Thursday at 1.30 pm until 3.30 pm
Number One, 1 Harepath Road, Seaton, EX12 3JQ
Contact name: Trish Warren
Phone number: 0333 241 234
Email Address:

Pebbles Knit & Crochet

Probus Club, Seaton & District
Contact name: David Bridges
Email Address:

Project Food (Formerly HALFF)
Cooking made easy! Would you like to learn how to cook more healthily for yourself or others? Are you interested in developing your skills, knowledge and confidence to cook nutritious meals to support your mental and physical health?
Come and join our friendly group for a FREE cooking demo and lunch. We meet on the 2nd Friday of the month at Marshlands on Harbour Road in Seaton from 11am to 1pm.
Contact name: Kerry Morgan
Phone number: 01297 631782
Email Address:

Rotary Club of Seaton
Contact name: Mark Ollier
Phone number: 07973 544879
Email Address:

Seaton & District Gardening Club

Seaton Acapella
Seaton Acapella is a mixed adult choir of enthusiastic, friendly, fun music loving singers. We sing everything from Pop to Folk, Lullaby to Gospel. We follow the direction of our wonderful choir leader Ellie Walker.
We meet every Wednesday evening at The Marshlands Centre, Harbour Road, Seaton. EX12 2LT.
Sessions last approximately 2 hours.
For more information please look at

Seaton Carnival Committee
Seaton Carnival Committee meet up regularly to plan events for Carnival week, which usually takes place during the last week of August. The week ends with the first illuminated procession of the East Devon Carnival circuit. We would be very grateful for any help offered to arrange these events.
For more information, please contact June Millman 01297 599 625
Contact name: June Millman
Phone number: 01297 599625
Email Address:

Seaton Freemasons
De La Pole Lodge 118, The Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Seaton, Devon, EX12 2RB
Contact name: Chris Farnsworth (Chairman)
Phone number: 07917 142428
Email Address:

Seaton Knit & Knatter Club

Seaton Lions

Seaton LoF Memory Cafe
You will receive a warm welcome from the LOF Memory Café team as you enter the building. Our volunteers will escort you to the hall and invite you to sit at a table with other people living with dementia. The purpose of the Memory Café is to provide a couple of hours of social stimulation for people with a dementia diagnosis and support for their family member or carer. We have fun! We chat over tea and cake with people in similar situations. We have a program of fun activities or entertainments in which you are encouraged to take part. These could be table games, quizzes, target games, arts & crafts, guest speakers and visiting musical entertainment. All activities are designed to stimulate, motivate, reminisce, entertain and most importantly to enjoy ourselves!
We meet on the first Monday of every month at the SEATON METHODIST CHURCH HALL, Scalwell Lane, EX12 2ST
There is no charge, however we do have a fundraising raffle and donation box should you wish to contribute to funds. All aspects of Safeguarding and Health and Safety are in place, and we offer a ‘safe’ meeting place for all of our members and volunteers
Contact name: Mary Bowles or Carol Rowe
Phone number: 07394 962387
Email Address:

Seaton Memory Café
Contact name: Yvonne Addington
Phone number: 07827 813776
Email Address:

Seaton Visually Impaired Club

Social Bridge Club

Twinning Association
Seaton is “Twinned” with Thury-Harcourt in France which is 15 miles south of Caen within the Calvados district of Normandy.
In addition to the twinning exchange trips, the Seaton group organises regular social events. Membership is £12.50 per person per year or £25 per family.
Chairman – Steve Charlton, Tel: 01297 599092
Treasurer – Ken Beer, Tel: 01297 625711
Membership – Lesley Charlton, Tel: 01297 599092
Secretary – Jenny Oldfield, Tel: 09766 530999, email:
Contact name: Mrs Jenny Oldfield
Phone number: 07966 530999
Email Address:

The university of the 3rd Age. Learn, laugh, live!
Pursue your interests at leisure. Share skills, knowledge and experiences. Make new friends and have fun.
The Seaton U3A meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Gateway Theatre in Fore Street, Seaton, from 2pm to 4pm. All welcome.