Seaton Allotments

Seaton Town Council is responsible for the management of the town’s allotments. These are a popular town asset and are integral to the annual ‘Seaton in Bloom’ competition.

The allotments were originally created in 1973 by Seaton Urban District Council with a grand total of 44 plots.  Then, in 1996, transfer of ownership was passed from East Devon District Council (formerly Seaton Urban District Council) over to Seaton Town Council.  Since then, the site has generated more plots with a current total of 105 plots of varying sizes. All allotment holders agree to tend their plots in accordance with the Council’s  Non-statutory Rules. The Council manages the allotments, with the assistance of the Allotment Management Volunteer Group, which comprises a number of plot holders. The beauty of the allotments is their diversity – from the wilder plots planted with foliage and flowers intended to attract butterflies and bees to the more formally laid out plots producing an abundance of fruit and vegetables.

There is currently a waiting list for allotments. If you would like to add your name, please complete the application form and return it to the Council by email or print and post to the Marshlands Centre, Harbour Road, Seaton EX12 2LT

If you are currently a tenant of the Seaton allotments, please familiarise yourself with the allotment risk assessment which can be downloaded HERE.